Announcement: Red Hat Software Collections 2.3 now beta
Mot-clé -
lundi 7 novembre 2016
Red Hat will provide PHP 7.0 for RHEL
Par Remi le lundi 7 novembre 2016, 08:41 - HowTo
mardi 20 septembre 2016
Microsoft SQL Server from PHP
Par Remi le mardi 20 septembre 2016, 09:15 - HowTo
Here is a small comparison of the various solutions to use a Microsoft SQL Server database from PHP, on Linux.
All the tests have be run on Fedora 23 but should work on RHEL or CentOS version 7.
Tested extensions:
samedi 23 juillet 2016
New "remi-php71" repository
Par Remi le samedi 23 juillet 2016, 15:47 - General
I've just open the remi-php71 repository for Fedora ≥ 23 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6.
samedi 11 juin 2016
PHP 7.1 and number check
Par Remi le samedi 11 juin 2016, 09:40 - Développement
PHP 7.1 introduce a new check during conversion of string to number.
vendredi 10 juin 2016
PHP 7.1 as Software Collection
Par Remi le vendredi 10 juin 2016, 07:42 - RPM
Version 7.1.0 Alpha 1 is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developpers, and the test phase for the users.
RPM of this upcoming version of PHP 7.1, are available in remi repository for Fedora 22, 23, 24 and Enterprise Linux 6, 7 (RHEL, CentOS, ...) in a fresh new Software Collection (php71) allowing its installation beside the system version.
samedi 16 avril 2016
My PHP Workstation
Par Remi le samedi 16 avril 2016, 10:28 - HowTo
Warning: this entry is old, see the updated version for Fedora and EL ≥ 8.
I often read questions about how to use an old PHP version on Fedora (which have 7.0) or a more recent version on RHEL / CentOS (which have 5.4).
A developer using PHP often need to test his work with various versions. So here is a description of the Workstation I use daily.
mercredi 30 mars 2016
Download statistics by PHP Version
Par Remi le mercredi 30 mars 2016, 09:42 - General
Here is some download statistics from remi repository, for the various PHP versions available.
jeudi 3 décembre 2015
PHP version 7.0.0 is released!
Par Remi le jeudi 3 décembre 2015, 21:20 - Archives
RC8 was GOLD, so version 7.0.0 GA is just released, at planed date.
A great thanks to all developers who have contributed to this new major and long awaiting version of PHP and thanks to all testers of the RC versions who have allowed us to deliver a good quality version.
RPM are available in the remi-php70 repository for Fedora ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6 (RHEL, CentOS) and as Software Collection in the remi-safe repository.
Thanks to the great performance of this version, you will be able to contribute to the fight against global warming by powering off half of yours servers!
vendredi 27 novembre 2015
Forum PHP in Paris 2015
Par Remi le vendredi 27 novembre 2015, 14:15 - General
Back from Forum PHP Paris 2015.
First, a huge thanks to AFUP for the organization of this great event, as always, reception was beyond reproach.
This event was, once more, a great opportunity for many and rewarding meetings with lot of PHP developers and users.
This year was exceptional, because PHP is 20 years old, AFUP is 15 years old and of course because of upcoming PHP version 7:

On the photo : (top) Derick Rethans, Anatol Belski, me, Zeev Suraski, (bottom) Pierre Joye, Rasmus Lerdorf, Bob Weinand and Nikita Popov.
More photos on Flickr.
I had the change to give a talk about collaboration between upstream (projects) and downstream (distribution) with an important part about QA management by the Fedora project.
Read the slides: Paris2015.pdf.
Feedback seems good, see
I waiting for next meetings.
lundi 9 novembre 2015
PHPUnit code coverage benchmark
Par Remi le lundi 9 novembre 2015, 08:33 - Développement
As already said numerous time, PHP 7 is faster than PHP 5.
Since PHPUnit 4.8 you can choose between XDebug and phpdbg as driver to retrieve code coverage data, see PHPUnit 4.8: Code Coverage Support.
Here is some benchmark results.
mercredi 9 septembre 2015
Windows files access from Linux in PHP
Par Remi le mercredi 9 septembre 2015, 14:07 - Développement
I just discover the libsmbclient-php project, here some information.
vendredi 24 juillet 2015
New "remi-php70" repository
Par Remi le vendredi 24 juillet 2015, 07:52 - General
I've just open the remi-php70 repository for Fedora ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6.
mardi 7 juillet 2015
About libmcrypt and php-mcrypt
Par Remi le mardi 7 juillet 2015, 08:07 - HowTo
I can't count the number of time I had to explain why using this library or this PHP extension is a terrible mistake. So time to blog about it.
mardi 23 juin 2015
Red Hat provides PHP 5.6 for RHEL (and CentOS)
Par Remi le mardi 23 juin 2015, 08:27 - HowTo
Announcement : Red Hat Software Collections 2 – now generally available
And for CentOS : Software Collections 2.0 available
mercredi 25 mars 2015
PHP 7.0 as Software Collection
Par Remi le mercredi 25 mars 2015, 18:57 - HowTo
RPM of upcoming major version of PHP 7.0, are available in remi repository for Fedora 20, 21, 22 and Enterprise Linux 6, 7 (RHEL, CentOS, ...) in a fresh new Software Collection (php70) allowing its installation beside the system version.
jeudi 11 décembre 2014
PHP-FPM in Docker
Par Remi le jeudi 11 décembre 2014, 14:31 - HowTo
Use case : running php 5.3.3 on a Fedora 20 / 21 development workstation, for production deployment on RHEL-6 (as no php 5.3 SCL exists).
vendredi 28 novembre 2014
PHP version 5.5.20RC1 and 5.6.4RC1
Par Remi le vendredi 28 novembre 2014, 14:52 - Archives
NEW : Release Candidate versions are now available in remi-test repository for Fedora and Enterprise Linux (RHEL / CentOS) to allow more people to test them. They are only available as Software Collections, for a parallel installation, perfect solution for such tests.
RPM of PHP version 5.6.4RC1 as SCL are available in remi-test repository for Fedora 19-21 and Enterprise Linux.
RPM of PHP version 5.5.20RC1 as SCL are available in remi-test repository for Fedora 21 and Enterprise Linux.
lundi 25 août 2014
PHP 5.6 as Software Collection
Par Remi le lundi 25 août 2014, 10:46 - HowTo
RPM of upcoming new major version of PHP 5.6, are available in remi repository for Fedora 19, 20, 21 and Enterprise Linux 6, 7 (RHEL, CentOS, ...) in a fresh new Software Collection (php56) allowing its installation beside the system version.
mardi 12 août 2014
Koschei: continuous integration of PHP stack in Fedora
Par Remi le mardi 12 août 2014, 13:13 - Développement
Continuous Integration is a common concern of all developers.
Most of projects use some tool, like Travis (available on PHP have its own tests suite. This allow to check that each modification of the source code doesn't introduce any regression.
This seems enough for a project, but for the whole PHP stack, we need to:
- check that any dependency update doesn't break other projects using it
- check that a PHP update doesn't introduce any regression in other projects, as soon as a Release Candidate is released (PHP versions available in travis/github are often a bit outdated)
- check that packaging related change doesn't break anything
The Koschei project is an answer to those needs, by supervising updates in rawhide (development branch of Fedora) and launching scratch build of all dependent packages.
As a lot of tools, libraries and framework are available in Fedora repository, they have been added so they are now monitored, especially:
- PHP (only version 5.6 for now)
- PHPUnit and its dependencies
- Symfony
- Doctrine
- Horde
- etc
Instance URL :
This new tool should have allowed us to detect sooner recent regressions introduced in PHP version 5.4.29 and 5.5.13. So I plan to import next Release Candidate as soon as possible, so we can take benefit of this supervision.
For example, we just detect a new FTBFS in symfony test suite after the update of PHPUnit 4.2.0 (it was a packaging issue, and is already fixed).
Of course, it means we need to have a test suite for each project, and to run it during the package build, but this is, for a long time, part of the good practices.
We'll see how this tool behave, but I think it really brings an important improvement for continuous integration of the whole PHP stack.
This is also, and mostly, a tool for which results should give benefits to each project, proving the usefulness of projects collaboration (upstream / downstream), and giving even more interest, for each project, to be available in a downstream distribution, such as Fedora.
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