Download statistics by PHP Version
Par Remi le mercredi 30 mars 2016, 09:42 - General - Lien permanent
Here is some download statistics from remi repository, for the various PHP versions available.
Computed from the ~100k downloads in 1 month.
Base packages (single version)
- 5.4.45: 32.6% (was 47% in October 2015)
- 5.5.33: 18.9% (5.5.29 was 21%)
- 5.6.19: 41.3% (5.6.13 was 31%)
- 7.0.4: 7.2%
SCL packages (parallel installation of multiple versions)
- 5.4.45: 10.4%
- 5.5.33: 16.6%
- 5.6.19: 41.5%
- 7.0.4: 31.5%
Numbers for SCL are less interesting, as people usually use them to have multiple versions, often on development workstation, or to test new version, or to keep an old one for some legacy application.
Conclusion: usage of 5.4 is still too high for a dead version, even if I include some security patches in my build (backported from 5.5), I very strongly recommend to upgrade to a maintained version, 5.5 (EOL in July 2016) or better 5.6 (EOL in December 2018).