You can try the configuration wizard.

Other repositories required

These are the only third repositories I use, contribute to and recommend.


1. Download

It is preferable to use YUM/DNF to download and install RPM available on this site, however il can be useful to download a RPM for a futher use or for another computer.

Locations :

2. Package manager configuration

This repository use the YUM/DNF format It need to be declared.

Notes :

  • 2005-04-22 : remi repository for Fedora is created
  • 2007-07-26 : remi repository for Enterprise Linux is created
  • 2015-05-24 : move from to
  • 2024-08-20 : the Fedora 38 and Enterprise Linux ≤ 7 repositories are closed.
  • 2024-07-11 : the Fedora 36 and Enterprise Linux ≤ 5 repositories are moved to archives (no more mirrored).
  • 2024-07-11 : the Fedora 22 repositories are removed.

2.1. YUM/DNF automatic configuration

The simplest way is to install the remi-release package which provides the repository configuration for YUM/DNF and the GPG key used to sign the RPM.

Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64

dnf install

Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64

dnf install

Enterprise Linux 7 (with EPEL) x86_64

rpm -Uvh remi-release-7.rpm epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
# for RHEL only
subscription-manager repos --enable=rhel-7-server-optional-rpms

Fedora 41 x86_64

dnf install

Fedora 40 x86_64

dnf install

Fedora 39 x86_64

dnf install

3. Compatibility with other repositories

On Fedora, available RPM mainly use dependencies from  fedora, and updates repositories, sometime from Rpmfusion.

On RHEL and CentOS dependencies are in main repositories and in EPEL. I really discourage you from using Rpmforge (well known conflicts with EPEL).

On RHEL-6, the RHEL Server Optional channel must be enabled.

Exceptions are explained on the blog article of each RPM.

4. Remi's signature Installation (GPG Key)

This step is not required if you use a package manager (Yum or dnf).

The RPM validity check requires my key to be imported on your system before use. Download GPG key, GPG key 2017, GPG key 2018, GPG key 2019, GPG key 2020, GPG key 2021, GPG key 2022, GPG key 2023, GPG key 2024 and install needed ones with :

rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2017
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2018
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2019
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2020
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2021
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2022
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2023
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-remi2024

YUM/DNF will propose you to automatic install it on first installation of a RPM from my repository.

You can list the installed key with :

rpm -q gpg-pubkey --qf "%{summary} -> %{version}-%{release}\n"
  • My old key fingerprint (used for EL-6 and EL-7) is : 00f97f56-467e318a
    Remi Collet <>
    1EE0 4CCE 88A4 AE4A A29A 5DF5 004E 6F47 00F9 7F56
    dsa1024 2005-04-21
  • My key fingerprint (2017, used for Fedora 26 and 27) is : 0364b949-58bd2928
    Remi's RPM repository <>
    44E8 9CD5 B233 62C2 24CE 5A5D E080 F29F 0364 B949
    rsa4096 2017-03-06
  • My key fingerprint (2018, used for Fedora 28, 30 and EL-8) ist : 5f11735a-5a58bcd7
    Remi's RPM repository <>
    6B38 FEA7 231F 87F5 2B9C A9D8 5550 9759 5F11 735A
    rsa4096 2018-01-12
  • My new key fingerprint (2019, used for Fedora 30 and 31) is : bbae6f1b-5c790651
    Remi's RPM repository ( <>
    5F13 6145 BF10 369B 7685 D8DE 5036 66CC BBAE 6F1B
    rsa4096 2019-03-01
  • My new key fingerprint (2020, used for Fedora 32 and 33) is : 4c21a808-5e4a9a41
    Remi's RPM repository ( <>
    34C1 0BDB CC6F 1B25 2E50 BA1A 0714 919E 4C21 A808
    rsa4096 2020-02-17
  • My new key fingerprint (2021, used for Fedora 34 and 35) is : 478f8947-5ff329c5
    Remi's RPM repository ( <>
    B1AB F71E 14C9 D748 97E1  98A8 B195 27F1 478F 8947
    rsa4096 2020-01-04
  • My new key fingerprint (2022, used for Fedora 36 and 37) is : 1fef0014-6204dda2
    Remi's RPM repository ( <>
    8451 60D2 3149 DAD5 04F0  A32D 83C0 639E 1FEF 0014
    rsa4096 2022-02-10
  • My new key fingerprint (2023, used for Fedora 38 and 39) is : 6defd35e-63b6d0df
    Remi's RPM repository ( <>
    50A5 E157 DFE5 48EC 7C05 E9D8 D593 3DAB 6DEF D35E
    rsa4096 2023-01-05
  • My new key fingerprint (2024, used for Fedora 40 and 41 and new .src.rpm): 2a0948e4-659d106d
    Remi's RPM repository 2024 ( <>
    CF1D F005 7CE8 5DFF 5B2F 2A37 C2FD 3B2C 2A09 48E4
    rsa4096 2024-01-09

5. Support

Use the Forum, the #remirepo IRC channel on or the Discord server.