PHP version 7.0.0 is released!
Par Remi le jeudi 3 décembre 2015, 21:20 - Archives - Lien permanent
RC8 was GOLD, so version 7.0.0 GA is just released, at planed date.
A great thanks to all developers who have contributed to this new major and long awaiting version of PHP and thanks to all testers of the RC versions who have allowed us to deliver a good quality version.
RPM are available in the remi-php70 repository for Fedora ≥ 21 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6 (RHEL, CentOS) and as Software Collection in the remi-safe repository.
Thanks to the great performance of this version, you will be able to contribute to the fight against global warming by powering off half of yours servers!
Read the PHP 7.0.0 Release Announcement.
So the tribe get a new member:

Also read:
Installation : read the Repository configuration and choose installation mode.
Replacement of default PHP by version 7.0 installation (simplest):
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php70 yum update php\*
The update may fail if some installed extensions are not yet available for PHP 7, thus avoid breaking your configuration without information, thanks to ABI compatibility protection (php(zend-abi)). After checking, you may have to remove these extensions before running the update.
Parallel installation of version 7.0 as Software Collection (x86_64 only, recommended for tests):
yum install php70
To be noticed :
- EL7 rpm are build using RHEL-7.1
- EL6 rpm are build using RHEL-6.7
- various extensions are already available, see the PECL extension RPM status page
Information, read:
Base packages (php)
Software Collections (php70)
Many thanks!
Tested it with websites and classes set with ZF2.
Works well, however php-pecl-igbinary php-pecl-redis are missing and cause difficulties.
Built them manually from github "php7" branches, now everything works.
For igbinary and redis, I'm waiting for upstream, because current git doesn't seems in very good shape... :(
Version 7.0.1 is already available in the repository.
Archived entry, see PHP version 7.0.1