GLPI version 0.78 released
Par Remi le mardi 12 octobre 2010, 18:40 - Archives - Lien permanent
GLPI (Free IT and asset management software) version 0.78 is available. Read the Announce. RPM are available in the remi-test repository (Fedora ≥ 11 and EL).
Available in the remi-test repository:
- glpi-0.78-2.svn12930
- glpi-appliances-1.6.0-1
- glpi-dumpentity-1.2.0-1
- glpi-loadentity-1.2.0-1
- glpi-mass-ocs-import-1.4.1-1
- glpi-pdf-0.7.0-1
- glpi-reports-1.4.0-1
- glpi-webservices-1.0.0-1
You are welcome to try this version, in a dedicated test environment, before upgrading your production server, give your feedback and post your questions:
- Forum GLPI English speaking users
- Forum User support for RPM specific questions.
No update planned for official repositories, packages will stay in remi-test until the release of datainjection and fusioninventory plugins compatible with this new version.
Update to 0.78-2.svn852 which fix the first bugs detected since the stable version.
Update :
Archived entry, see GLPI version 0.78.1 available