Fedora 11 repository
Par Remi le mardi 9 juin 2009, 18:07 - General - Lien permanent
The remi repository for Leonidas is open.
In fact, it was open since 1st May, but Leonidas is only officially available since yesterday, so this late annoucement.
RPM are available for this architecture :
Installation :
wget http://rpms.famillecollet.com//remi-release-11.rpm
rpm -ivh remi-release-11.rpm
Repository is not enabled on installation, so you must specify the "--enablerepo=remi" option in YUM command.
Currently, are already available in remi repository:
- GLPI 0.71.6
- libmemcached-0.28-1
- mysql-5.1.35-2
- mysql-worbench-5.1.12-2
- ocsinventory-1.02.1-1
- php-pecl-memcached-0.1.5-1
- QElectroTech 0.2 beta
- tora-2.0.0-1
And in remi-test repository:
The x86_64 architecture will be privileged for my tests, as this is the one I use every day.
I also want to remind you than the best way to communicate with me, and other users, ou to ask question (remi's RPM specific)is to use the forums.