Par Remi le mardi 28 avril 2009, 11:41 - Archives - Lien permanent
MySQL Worbench, the modeling tool that allows you to design and generate MySQL databases graphically is now available as 5.1.12 beta3 for Linux. RPM for Fedora 9 and 10 are available in remi repository. I Hope it could be proposed soon for official repository.
The download site only provide RPM for Fedora 10 amd64. My repository provides RPM for Fedora 9 and 10, for i386, x86_64, ppc and ppc64. Previous Fedora versions doesn't have the required dependencies (p.e. : cairo >= 1.5)
As always :
yum --enablerepo=remi install mysql-workbench
Of course, it was build with mysql-5.1.34-1
Those who don't want to upgrade MySQL could use the compatibility library mysqlclient16.
It doesn't build on PowerPC, so I need to write a little patch.
To be followed on MySQL Workbench 5.1.12 Beta3 Available
I'm waiting for you feedback on this new beta version.
A new patch to build with gcc 4.4 (for Fedora 11)
For those already under F11 Preview :
Hey Remi,
Thanks for the contrib, we have been using your setup for sometime now. However there is a slight glitch we have hit using workbench for fedora core 10. The install goes off smoothly, the software starts of smoothly too, only when you try to test a connection you just created it burps with "mysql client ran out of memory"
would appreciate some help from the master :)
@shomiron : this bug seems to be fixed in 5.1.13 (coming soon in Remi repo).
Archived entry, see mysql-worbench-5.1.13-1
Le build pour Fedora 12 freeze dès que je veux me connecter.
Une idée ?
Cette version est plus qu'ancienne.
La version disponible sous F-12 est la 5.1.17, mais il est même fortement recommandé de passer sur la version 5.2.19 (dans remi-test).
Dans tous les cas, il faut mieux utiliser les forums.