Par Remi le samedi 18 avril 2009, 09:18 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of the MySQL Community Server 5.1.34 are available in remi repository for EL 4 & 5 and for Fedora ≥ 6. This version is tag as Generally Available see Changelog.
Various new features in this 5.1 version seems really interesting (to me):
- Table partitioning
- Event scheduler
- Replication formats Statement based ou Row based
- Load emulation client
This build use a spec file close to the one from Fedora 11 updated to enable the "storage engines":
- Federated : access data from a remote MySQL database (the engine is activated by default)
- Archive : used for storing large amounts of data without indexes in a very small footprint
- CSV : stores data in text files
- Blackhole : accepts data but throws it away and does not store it (useful with replication)
WARNING: before upgrading, a full backup of your databases seems mandatory (a logical dump using mysqldump for example).
Simplest way to install is to use yum !
yum --enablerepo remi update mysql-server
For whose who prefer the download and manual installation, see the repository
Like after each upgrade, running the mysql_upgrade command is required. It checks all tables in all databases for incompatibilities with the current version of MySQL Server. If a table is found to have a possible incompatibility, it is checked. If any problems are found, the table is repaired. In all case, reading the documentation is recommended:
For example :
mysql_upgrade --password=<yoursecret>
WARNING: if you upgrade from version 5.0, and if any of your database/table names contains special characters (notably dash '-'), after upgrading, it will have a strange name (p.e. : #mysql50#table-name), to fix this, you must run the mysqlcheck command with the right options (fix-db-names and fix-table-names). The file/directory name could then be different than the table/database name (p.e. base-name => base@002name). This new feature allow you to use all characters in the names of your objects.
mysqlcheck --check-upgrade --fix-db-names --fix-table-names --all-databases --password=<votresecret>
WARNING: the version 5.1 libraries are not compatible with libraries of version 5.0, it now provides To continue using applications build with old version, you need to install mysqlclient15 (which provides
If you use mysql-embeded (for amarok, p.e.), you must keep the 5.0.67 package (with --exclude mysql-embeded)
You should note than the EL5 build is used on the server hosting this blog and some other sites.
Hi Remi,
why are there no Fedora Core 4 and 5 versions of MySQL 5.1.34 anymore?
Do they not compile on FC4/5?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Kind Regards,
@Olivier : because I'm overbooked... (and not motivated).
Fedora Core 4 and 5 figure less than 1% of the download from my repository, so I decide (alone) to not maintain it anymore.
Each build, uploaded, hosted package cost some CPU, time, space (money).
I will post soon a notice about that (probably with more explanations)
Hi Remi,
maybe then I am the 1% percent :-)
We have a few FC4 systems here, then I will compile MySQL myself ...
Thanks a lot for your great work.
> then I will compile MySQL myself ...
Simplest solution, download the available and :
Thanks a lot, Remi.
Hi Remi,
I was wondering about this:
'the version 5.1 libraries are not compatible with libraries of version 5.0, it now provides To continue using applications build with old version, you need to install mysqlclient15 (which provides'
Any particular reason your package dose not provide all old libs into mysql-libs package?
I am putting all the old libs in that package (12,14,15 and now 16).
Related to the Fc 4, 5 dropped, there is tool, called DAR (avail on ) which you can use to build in one run rpms for all platforms/architectures you want, it dose require some set-up, but once it is up, you can build at once all the rpms without any problem.
> Any particular reason your package dose not provide all old libs into mysql-libs package?
Because I'm using spec from Rehat/fedora which doesn't do like this but build mysqlclient## packages for compatibility. And I think this is a better solution. No need rebuild all libs for each update of MySQL 5.1. And yum resolves all the dependencies without problem.
> there is tool, called DAR
This is not a tool problem, but a personal time / energy one.
Installed a clean CentOS 5.3 x86_64, activated the remi remo, upgraded mysql to 5.1.34 and got:
090516 19:59:33 [ERROR] Error message file '/usr/share/mysql/english/errmsg.sys' had only 472 error messages,
but it should contain at least 630 error messages.
Check that the above file is the right version for this program!
/usr/libexec/mysqld: Unknown error 1146
090516 19:59:33 [ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.
090516 19:59:33 InnoDB: Started; log sequence number 0 46409
090516 19:59:33 [ERROR] Aborting
mysql-libs was the correct version, so the only fix was to overwrite /usr/share/mysql/* with the files from 5.1.33 and manually re-run mysql_install_db.
@Ovi :
Hi Remi:
Do you know what version of ndb is in your 5.1.34 rpm (mysql-cluster package)?
@Johnny, sorry no real answer... :(
I really don't understand what is the version schema for ndb.
mysql-cluster provides version... 5.1.34.
And I can't say from which sources MySQL Cluster 6.x or 7.0 are build from.
Archived entry, see mysql-5.1.35-1