thunderbird3-enigmail-0.96a (CVS snapshot)
Par Remi le dimanche 15 mars 2009, 19:17 - Archives - Lien permanent
A first RPM of Enigmail extension version 0.96a (CVS snapshot of 2009-03-15) for thunderbird version 3.0 beta 2 is available in remi-test repository for Fedora 9 and 10.
yum --enablerepo=remi-test install thunderbird3-enigmail
Or download from the repository
Warning : in this version, some translation are not completely done and the extension is unusable : this is unfortunately true for the french... (but that also one of the pleasures to work with development version)
A temporary workaround :
LANG=C thunderbird3
Stay up, on this thread, for update which should solves this issue.
Update to 20090316 but mainly to add a script which generate the missing strings in the lang files and thus getting a working extension in all languages.
Archived entry, see thunderbird-enigmail-0.97a