phpMyAdmin version 4.8
Par Remi le lundi 9 avril 2018, 13:27 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of the new major version of phpMyAdmin are available in remi repository for Fedora and for Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS...).
Official web site :
Read: phpMyAdmin 4.8.0 is released
I think this new version will be soon in Fedora, but version 4.0.x will stay in EPEL-6 (dependency on MySQL 5.5) and version 4.4.x in EPEL-7 (dependency on PHP 5.5). So, it is already available for fedora 25 to 28 and for enterprise linux 6 to 7 in the remi repository.
This version will be available in Fedora 28, nothing planed yet for Fedora 27.
As always, for Fedora :
yum --enablerepo=remi install phpMyAdmin
Or, for Enterprise Linux
yum --enablerepo=remi install phpMyAdmin
Discover this new version which come with a lot of new features, and post your feedback.
Update to (security fix)
Update to 4.8.1 (bug fix release)
Update to 4.8.2 (security fix)
Update to 4.8.3 (security fix)
Update to 4.8.4 (security fix)
Update to 4.8.5 (security fix)
Update to (security fix)
Update to 4.9.1 (bug fix release)
Update to 4.9.3 (bug fix release)
Also see phpMyAdmin 5.0.0
Update to 4.9.4 (security fix), only for EL-6 and EL-7
Archived entry see phpMyAdmin version 5