GLPI version 9.2
Par Remi le mardi 26 septembre 2017, 07:54 - RPM - Lien permanent
GLPI (Free IT and asset management software) version 9.2 is available. RPM are available in remi-glpi92 repository for Fedora ≥ 24 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6.
Read official announcement: GLPI 9.2 available
All plugin projets have not yet released a stable compatible version, so version 9.1 stay available in remi repository.
Available in the repository:
- glpi-9.2.4-1
- glpi-appliances-2.3.4-1
- glpi-behaviors-2.0.2-1
- glpi-data-injection-2.5.2-1
- glpi-fusioninventory-
- glpi-ocsinventoryng-1.4.4-1
- glpi-pdf-1.3.2-1
- glpi-reports-1.11.3-1
- glpi-webservices-1.8.0-1
Warning: for security reason, the installation wizard is only allowed from the server where GLPI is installed. See the configuration file (/etc/httpd/conf.d/glpi.conf) to temporarily allow more clients.
First, you need to install a version of PHP ≥ 5.6, following the Wizard explanation (installation as Single version), then
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-glpi92 install glpi
You are welcome to try this version, in a dedicated test environment, give your feedback and post your questions and bugs on:
- Forum GLPI
- Forum User support for RPM specific questions.
Update: glpi-behaviors-1.5.2-1
New: glpi-appliances-2.3.0-1
Update: glpi-behaviors-2.0.0-1
New: glpi-ocsinventoryng-1.4.2-1
New: glpi-reports-1.11.0-1
New: glpi-pdf-1.3.0-1
Update: glpi-9.2.1-3
Update: glpi-behaviors-2.0.1-1
Update: glpi-appliances-2.3.1-1
Update: glpi-reports-1.11.1-1
New: glpi-data-injection-2.5.0-1
Update: glpi-ocsinventoryng-1.4.3-1
Update: glpi-behaviors-2.0.2-1
Update: glpi-pdf-
Update: glpi-9.2.2-1
Update: glpi-appliances-2.3.2-1
Update: glpi-reports-1.11.2-1
Update: glpi-9.2.3-1
Update: glpi-data-injection-2.5.1-1
Added: glpi-webservices-1.8.0-1
Update: glpi-reports-1.11.3-1
Version 9.2 is now available in the remi-glpi92 repository.
Warning: new updates will be only available in the new dedicated repository.
Update: glpi-data-injection-2.5.2-1
Update: glpi-fusioninventory-
Update: glpi-9.2.4-1
Update: glpi-ocsinventoryng-1.4.4-1
Update: glpi-appliances-2.3.3-1
Update: glpi-appliances-2.3.4-1
Update: glpi-pdf-1.3.2-1