PHP 5.6.0 Release Candidate
Par Remi le vendredi 20 juin 2014, 13:22 - Archives - Lien permanent
The first Release Candidate of PHP 5.6.0 is released, see PHP 5.6.0RC1 is available.
RPM are available in the remi-php56 repository for Fedora 19 to 20 and for Enterprise Linux 5 to 7 (RHEL, CentOS)
Attention : this is a development preview, for test, not for production use.
Changes in the packages :
- The new php-dbg packages provides the interactive debugger
- Each configuration file (/etc/php.d) have a numerical prefix, to ensure correct load order.
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-php56 update php\*
This new version is one of the Fedora 21 approved changes, see PHP 5.6
PHP 5.6.0RC1 is also already available in Fedora rawhide.
Running this development version for months, I haven't encountered any big issue with the web applications I use or with the test suites I run during packages build.
Most of the extensions are also available.
Update to 5.6.0RC2
Update to 5.6.0RC3
Update to 5.6.0RC4. The stable 5.6.0 release should show up on the 28th of August.
Archived entry, see PHP version 5.6.0 final!