New repository: remi-php56
Par Remi le dimanche 2 mars 2014, 10:34 - HowTo - Lien permanent
RPM for Fedora ≥ 19 and Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS...) of PHP 5.6 and its extensions are now available in their new dedicated experimental repository: remi-php56.
As for the remi-php55 repository I just create a new repository for PHP 5.6.
Warning:current version is 5.6.0-dev, so only for test, not ready for production. All PECL extensions are not yet available.
For Enterprise Linux, you now have 4 repositories:
- remi which provides common packages, PHP 5.4 and PHP extension not linked to the version used.
- remi-php55 which provides only PHP 5.5 packages.
- remi-php56 which provides only PHP 5.6 packages.
- remi-test which "really" provides "to be tested" packages.
For Fedora this is a temporary repository, once version 5.6 will be stable, RPM will move to the remi repository.
- If you enable remi-php56 you must also enable remi.
- RPM of C extensions have a .remi.5.4, .remi.5.5 or .remi.5.6 suffixe.
- This new repository is defined in the new version of remi-release package (version 5.10-1,6.5-1, 19-2 or 20-2).
I hope I haven't forget anything, fell free to alert me for any issue on the forum.
Version 5.6.0alpha3 should be the last alpha. Beta 1 should come quickly.
Stable version could be available around June.
Version 5.6.0beta2 is available in the repository.
Version 5.6.0beta3 is available in the repository.
Version 5.6.0beta4 is available in the repository.
Version 5.6.0RC1 is available in the repository.