New repository: remi-php55
Par Remi le jeudi 3 octobre 2013, 16:21 - HowTo - Lien permanent
RPM for Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS...) of PHP 5.5 and its extensions are from now available in their dedicated new repository: remi-php55.
To make possible to provide both PHP 5.4 (in remi repository) and PHP 5.5, the last has stayed in the remi-test repository.
This poorly chosen name could be understood as packages provided for test only, While this version can be considered as stable.
So, now, you have 3 repositories:
- remi which provides common packages, PHP 5.4 and PHP extension not linked to the version used.
- remi-php55 which provides only PHP 5.5 packages.
- remi-test which "really" provides "to be tested" packages (ex glpi-0.84.2).
- If you enable remi-php55 you must also enable remi.
- PHP packages will stay a few weeks in remi-test, to give you the time to update your configuration for this change; but they won't be updated. New build will only go in remi-php55.
- Future RPM of C extensions will now have a .remi.5.4 ou .remi.5.5 suffixe.
- This new repository is defined in the new version of remi-release package (version 5.9-1 or 6.4-1).
- For Fedora, no new repo, PHP 5.5 will go directly in remi (starting with next version 5.5.5).
I hope I haven't forget anything, fell free to alert me for any issue on the forum.
remi-test repository have been cleaned.