Par Remi le jeudi 31 octobre 2013, 17:04 - RPM - Lien permanent
RPM of Enigmail extension version 1.6 for Thunderbird ≥ 24 is available in remi repository for fedora 16 and 17, for Enterprise Linux 6 and in official repository for fedora ≥ 18.
yum --enablerepo=remi install thunderbird-enigmailThis extension is, for me, an essential Thunderbird partner, it provides a full OpenPGP key management system and the tools needed to sign, verify, encrypt and decrypt messages.
When you send a "physical" message, you choose an envelope or a post card, or even send it by registered post, according to the content and expected privacy. You could consider OpenPGP as a virtual envelope.
With the current big attack against our private life, I think it is really urgent that we all use this tools.
For Enterprise Linux 6, the build use python27 (Red Hat Software Collections 1) and devtoolset-2 for gcc 4.8.1 (Red Hat Developer Toolset 2) . (only for build, unneeded at run time).
RPM are available for Fedora 14 (x86_64), 16 et 17 and, for Enterprise Linux 6 and in official repository: thunderbird-enigmail.
My personal key Fingerprint is:
5A0E 6F54 D94D 5732 69EE E3FF 614A 6905 29F1 6A18