Thunderbird 24
Par Remi le jeudi 31 octobre 2013, 19:43 - RPM - Lien permanent
RPM of the new version of Mozilla Foundation messaging client is available in remi for fedora 16, 17 and enterprise linux 6 (RHEL, CentOS, ...). This is a backport of F-20 version.
Start by reading :
As always:
yum --enablerepo=remi update thunderbird\*
enigmail (version 1.6) extension is also available.
lightning is no more available.
For Enterprise Linux 6, the build use python27 (Red Hat Software Collections 1) and devtoolset-2 for gcc 4.8.1 (Red Hat Developer Toolset 2) . (only for build, unneeded at run time). This fixes the issue explaining why Thunderbird 24.0 haven't be available.
RPM of version 24.1.0 are availalble for Fedora 14 (x86_64), 16, 17, and for Enterprise Linux 6 (and in official repository for fedora ≥ 18)
Update to 24.2.0
N.B. : switch back to notification managed by the desktop env. (Fedora)