New Computer
Par Remi le samedi 8 janvier 2011, 20:34 - General - Lien permanent
My new computer is operational :
- ASUS® P7P55-M motherboard
- Intel® Core™ i5-760 processor
- 2x4Gio DDR3 memory
- SSD A-Data™ S599 64Go disk (system)
- 320Go Sata disk (/home, /tmp, ...)
- 500Go Sata disk (/data, /tmp, ...)
- nVidia® Geforce 210 graphic card
2 small issues :
- The graphic card is not handled by the nouveau driver, I have to switch back (for now) to the proprietary driver to be able to use gnome-shell.
- disk order is reversed from the BIOS order (the first, SSD, is /dev/sdb, the second, 320Go, is /dev/sda, not convenient)
A big thanks to those who have wanted to help me: Jefim G., Sven L., Konstantin R., Nicolas A., Geza L., Greg K., Didier G. (but, it's still time for the others, I don't have totally payed it yet).
I just have to push it to the test.
My old will be used by my girl friend. The previous by my childs (no waste).
What version of nvidia driver do you use, 256.* or 260.*? I wonder if this card is supported in the 260.* driver.
I use the latest 260 driver from rpmfusion nonfree repository.
But definitively, I will prefer the "nouveau" driver, and try to switch back to it ASAP.
Good to know, thanks.
I take great interest in this configuration, can you tell me more about
-the noise level
Finally, you have the possibility of having a double or triple screen with this graphics card?
Thank you
Je m'intéresse de pres à cette configuration, peux tu m'en dire plus sur
-le niveau du bruit
-les performances
Enfin, as tu la possibilité d'avoir un double ou triple écran avec cette carte graphique ?
Replaced by a New Computer for 2014, 2015...