Par Remi le samedi 23 janvier 2010, 10:16 - Archives - Lien permanent
MySQL Worbench, the modeling, development and administration graphical tool for MySQL databases is now available as 5.2.14 (beta 4) for Linux. RPM for Fedora 11 and 12 are available in remi-test repository.
Read the Releases Page for changes history.
The download site only provide RPM for Fedora 12 i386 and x86_64. My repository also provides RPM for Fedora 11. Previous Fedora versions and ppc build will come for RC or stable version.
As always :
yum --enablerepo=remi-test install mysql-workbench
Of course, it was build with mysql-5.1.42-1
For a good packaging, it is necessary to use system libraries rather than bundled ones. Done for curl, libsigc++, boost, yassl (switch to openssl), ctemplate and mysql-connector-c++ (version 1.0.6, bzr snapshot 813, also available in remi-test). I need more work for scintilla (if you are curious, compare the size of officials RPM to mine).
To be followed on MySQL Workbench 5.2.14 Beta 4 Available
You should note that this version will obsolete MySQL Query Browser, MySQL Administrator et MySQL Migration Toolkit (end of life). Which seems a good news, as all resources will be for this new full featured tool.
Of course, this a beta version, so you should encounter some crash.
Archived entry, see mysql-worbench-5.2.15-1