php-pear-PHPUnit-3.4.6-1 and php-symfony-YAML-1.0.2-1
Par Remi le dimanche 3 janvier 2010, 09:57 - Archives - Lien permanent
I'm working on the creation of a Regression testing suite for GLPI.
So, I want to use the latest version of PHPUnit (version 3.3.17 is available in Fedora repository).
As a new dependency was missing for version 3.4, I have build the php-symfony-YAML RPM (review pending, 551940).
You can start straightaway to use this build
yum --enablerepo=remi update php-pear-PHPUnit
Documentation : PHPUnit Manual
I am going to try to make the Fedora Doctrine and Symfony package use the YAML package. I wish the developers of those would make this a bit easier. Currently I have to patch the packages and hope that they can use the separate version of sYAML.
Archived entry, see PHPUnit 3.5