Firefox 3.5 Preview
Par Remi le samedi 13 juin 2009, 12:45 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of Preview of next major version of Mozilla Foundation browser is available in remi repository for Fedora. It's a backport of the version available in rawhide (the development branch which will become F11).
WARNING : as announced previously, the firefox-3.5-0.21.beta99 package install this new version replacing the version 3.0. So, it also removes the old firefox3.
- Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Preview (Release notes)
As always :
yum --enablerepo=remi update firefox
No xulrunner update, this RPM provides his bundled Gecko engine.
Actually the some extensions are not compatibles and will be disabled.
I start to test the new features and I expect yours feedbacks.
F-11 build also available in remi-test repository
FC-6 and F-7 build
not yetavailable.Archived entry, see Firefox 3.5 Release Candidate