Firefox 3.5 Release Candidate
Par Remi le dimanche 21 juin 2009, 13:51 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of Release Candidate (rc2) of next major version of Mozilla Foundation browser is available in remi repository for Fedora.
WARNING : as announced previously, the firefox-3.5-0.26.rc2 package install this new version replacing the version 3.0. So, it also removes the old firefox3.
- Firefox 3.5 Release Notes
- Firefox 3.5 release candidate now available for download (mozilla developer center)
As always :
yum --enablerepo=remi update firefox
No xulrunner update, this RPM provides his bundled Gecko engine.
Actually the some extensions are not compatibles and will be disabled.
A Fedora 11 build is also available in remi-test, for impatient people who want to test this new version without waiting to official updates.
Just installed it on Fedora 11 x86_64.
When I then launch Firefox, all I get is a tiny window in one corner of my screen. The window only has the title bar, the rest is plain white.... :-/
All firefox windows closed ?
With an new profile ?
Any extension ?
Removing X??.mfasl file from profile ?
RPM of RC3 are available for Fedora >= 8 (i386 and x86_64 only)
Archived entry, see Firefox 3.5