Version announcements:

ℹ️ Installation: use the Configuration Wizard and choose your version and installation mode.

Replacement of default PHP by version 8.4 installation (simplest):

dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.4/common

Parallel installation of version 8.4 as Software Collection

yum install php84

Replacement of default PHP by version 8.3 installation (simplest):

dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.3/common

Parallel installation of version 8.3 as Software Collection

yum install php83

And soon in the official updates:

⚠️ To be noticed :

  • EL-10 RPMs are built using RHEL-10.0-beta
  • EL-9 RPMs are built using RHEL-9.5
  • EL-8 RPMs are built using RHEL-8.10
  • intl extension now uses libicu74 (version 74.2)
  • mbstring extension (EL builds) now uses oniguruma5php (version 6.9.10, instead of the outdated system library)
  • oci8 extension now uses the RPM of Oracle Instant Client version 23.7 on x86_64 and aarch64
  • a lot of extensions are also available; see the PHP extensions RPM status (from PECL and other sources) page

ℹ️ Information:

Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php83 / php84)