Read the PHP 8.4.1 Release Announcement and its Addendum for new features and detailed description.

For memory, this is the result of 6 months of work for me to provide these packages, starting in July for Software Collections of alpha versions, in September for module streams of RC versions, and also a lot of work on extensions to provide a mostly full PHP 8.4 stack.

emblem-notice-24.pngInstallation: read the Repository configuration and choose installation mode, or follow the Configuration Wizard instructions.

Replacement of default PHP by version 8.4 installation (simplest):

Fedora modular or Enterprise Linux:

dnf module reset php
dnf module install php:remi-8.4

Parallel installation of version 8.4 as Software Collection (recommended for tests):

yum install php84

emblem-important-2-24.pngTo be noticed :

  • EL-10 RPMs are built using RHEL-10.0-beta
  • EL-9 RPMs are built using RHEL-9.5
  • EL-8 RPMs are built using RHEL-8.10
  • This version will also be the default version in Fedora 42
  • Many extensions are already available, see the PECL extension RPM status page.

emblem-notice-24.pngInformation, read:

Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php84)