🪦 PHP 7.3 is retired
Par Remi le vendredi 10 décembre 2021, 09:14 - HowTo - Lien permanent
One year after PHP 7.2, and as announced, PHP version 7.3.33 was the last official release of PHP 7.3
To keep a secure installation, the upgrade to a maintained version is strongly recommended:
- PHP 8.0 has active support and will be maintained until November 2022 (2023 for security).
- PHP 8.1 has active support and will be maintained until November 2023 (2024 for security).
Read :
- PHP Supported versions
- Migration guide from PHP 7.3.x to PHP 7.4.x
- Migration guide from PHP 7.4.x to PHP 8.0.x
- Migration guide from PHP 8.0.x to PHP 8.1.x
However, given the very important number of downloads by the users of my repository the version is still available in remi repository for Enterprise Linux (RHEL, CentOS...) and Fedora (Software Collections) and will include the latest security fix.
Warning : this is a best effort action, depending of my spare time, without any warranty, only to give users more time to migrate. This can only be temporary, and upgrade must be the priority.
You can also watch the sources repository on github.
Version 7.3.33-3 includes security fixes backported from version 7.4.30 (mysqlnd, pgsql).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php72)

Version 7.3.33-5 includes security fixes backported from version 7.4.30 (core, phar).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-6 includes security fixes backported from upcoming version 7.4.33 (hash).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-7 includes security fixes backported from upcoming version 8.0.27 (pdo_sqlite).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-8 includes security fixes backported from version 8.0.28 (core).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-9 includes security fixes backported from version 8.0.29 (soap).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-11 includes security fixes backported from version 8.0.30 (phar, libxml).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-13 includes 2 security fixes backported from version 8.1.28 (CVE-2024-2756 and CVE-2024-3096).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-14 includes 1 security fix backported from version 8.1.29 (CVE-2024-5458).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-16 includes 3 security fixes backported from version 8.1.30 (CVE-2024-8925, CVE-2024-8926 and CVE-2024-8927).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-17 includes 4 security fixes backported from version 8.1.31 (CVE-2024-11233, CVE-2024-11234, CVE-2024-11236, CVE-2024-8932).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Version 7.3.33-18 includes last security fix backported from version 8.1.31 (CVE-2024-8929).
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)