PHP on the road to the 7.3.0 release
Par Remi le mercredi 22 août 2018, 11:28 - Archives - Lien permanent
Version 7.3.0beta2 is released. It's now enter the stabilisation phase for the developpers, and the test phase for the users.
RPM are available in the remi-php73 repository for Fedora ≥ 27 and Enterprise Linux ≥ 6 (RHEL, CentOS) and as Software Collection in the remi-safe repository (or remi for Fedora)
The repository provides developement versions which are not suitable for production usage.
Also read: PHP 7.3 as Software Collection
Installation : read the Repository configuration and choose installation mode.
Replacement of default PHP by version 7.3 installation (simplest):
yum-config-manager --enable remi-php73 yum update php\*
Parallel installation of version 7.3 as Software Collection (x86_64 only, recommended for tests):
yum install php73
To be noticed :
- EL7 rpm are build using RHEL-7.5
- EL6 rpm are build using RHEL-6.10
- lot of extensions are also available, see the PECL extension RPM status page
- follow the comments on this page for update until final version.
Information, read:
Base packages (php)
Software Collections (php7373)
Update to beta3
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Update to Release Candidate 1
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Update to Release Candidate 2
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Update to Release Candidate 3
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Update to Release Candidate 4
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Update to Release Candidate 5
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Update to Release Candidate 6 (last RC, next version should be 7.3.0 GA)
Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php73)

Archived entry, see PHP version 7.3.0 is released!