Read the PHP 7.1.0 Release Announcement.

So the tribe get a new member:


Also read:

emblem-notice-24.pngInstallation : read the Repository configuration and choose installation mode, or follow the Configuration Wizard instructions.

Replacement of default PHP by version 7.1 installation (simplest):

yum-config-manager --enable remi-php71
yum update php\*

emblem-important-2-24.pngThe update may fail if some installed extensions are not yet available for PHP 7, thus avoid breaking your configuration without information, thanks to ABI compatibility protection (php(zend-abi)). After checking, you may have to remove these extensions before running the update. All the extensions compatible with PHP 7 are also available for PHP 7.1 (excepted phalcon).

Parallel installation of version 7.1 as Software Collection (x86_64 only, recommended for tests):

yum install php71

emblem-important-2-24.pngTo be noticed :

  • EL7 rpm are build using RHEL-7.2
  • EL6 rpm are build using RHEL-6.8
  • this version will be the default version in Fedora 26, see PHP 7.1
  • various extensions are already available, see the PECL extension RPM status page

emblem-notice-24.pngInformation, read:

Base packages (php)

Software Collections (php70)