More PHP extensions for RHSCL
Par Remi le jeudi 18 juillet 2013, 15:57 - General - Lien permanent
In Red Hat will provide PHP 5.4 for RHEL-6, I show the Red Hat offer for PHP 5.4.
For now, there is no solution to provide additional packages in EPEL, so, until one exists, I use a personal repository.
See : PHP 5.4 Software Collection for Enterprise Linux 5.9 and 6.4, x86_64 only
This repository contains the same (or older) RPM than RHSCL and various new packages, which can join later RHSCL or more probably EPEL according to the need and possibilities.
Currently (32), for EL-5 and EL-6
- php54-apcu-panel-4.0.1
- php54-php-interbase-5.4.16
- php54-php-mcrypt-5.4.16
- php54-php-mssql-5.4.16
- php54-php-pecl-amqp-1.2.0
- php54-php-pecl-apcu-4.0.1
- php54-php-pecl-apcu-devel
- php54-php-pecl-event-1.8.1
- php54-php-pecl-gearman-1.1.1
- php54-php-pecl-geoip-1.0.8
- php54-php-pecl-http1-1.7.6
- php54-php-pecl-igbinary-1.1.2-dev
- php54-php-pecl-imagick-3.1.0
- php54-php-pecl-mailparse-2.1.6
- php54-php-pecl-memprof-1.0.0
- php54-php-pecl-mongo-1.4.2
- php54-php-pecl-msgpack-0.5.5
- php54-php-pecl-propro-1.0.0
- php54-php-pecl-radius-1.2.7
- php54-php-pecl-raphf-1.0.4
- php54-php-pecl-redis-2.2.4
- php54-php-pecl-sphinx-1.3.0
- php54-php-pecl-xhprof-0.9.3
- php54-php-pecl-xdebug-2.2.3
- php54-php-pecl-zendopcache-7.0.2
- php54-xhprof-0.9.3
For EL-5 only (already in RHSCL)
- php54-php-enchant-5.4.16
- php54-php-recode-5.4.16-
- php54-php-tidy-5.4.16
For EL-6 only (missing dependencies in EL-5).
- php54-php-pecl-http-2.0.1
- php54-php-pecl-rrd-1.1.1
- php54-php-pecl-ssh2-0.12
More should be available soon (this page will be updated)
Spec adaptation is quite simple, changes (for the ones I own) are stored in the Fedora project git. For example, see xdebug adaptation.
New extensions: enchant (el-5), imagick, mongo, radius, sphinx, ssh2 (el-6) and xhprof.
Feel free to ask for missing extensions in the forum.
New extension : igbinary.
New extensions : geoip, mailparse, msgpack.
New extensions : amqp, http1
New extension : gearman
New extensions : redis and rrd
New extensions : event, httpd (v2) memprof, propro and raphf.
You can now follow the SCL adapted for SCL on the PECL extensions RPM status page (I will not update this entry anymore).
The repository providing additional PHP extension is removed.
I'm waiting for a simple and compliant with packaging Guidelines solution for those packages.
Packages are now available in Php54more and Php55more on