QElectroTech near to 0.3
Par Remi le mercredi 19 juin 2013, 09:16 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of QElectroTech version 0.3b (beta), an application to design electric diagrams, are available in remi-test for Fedora and Enterprise Linux.
While the version 0.3a, available in the official repository, is quite old (more than 1 year), the project is working on a new major version of their electric diagrams editor.
Official web site : http://qelectrotech.org/.
Installation by YUM :yum --enablerepo=remi install qelectrotech
RPM (version 0.30-0.8.BETA) are available for Fedora ≥ 13 and Enterprise Linux 6 (Red Hat, CentOS, ...) and in official updates for
Follow this entry which will be updated on each new version (beta, RC, ...) until the finale version release.
Version 0.3 Release Candidate is released.
RPM are available for Fedora ≥ 14 and Enterprise Linux 6 in the remi repository and soon in the official updates for:
Archived entry, see QElectroTech version 0.3 (final)