Par Remi le vendredi 14 juin 2013, 08:25 - RPM - Lien permanent
RPM of latest GD library are available.
While last version 2.0.35 was released years ago (2007), the project have start again, lead by some developers from PHP project, which use this library (for gd extension).
Most of changes present in PHP have been merged, and PHP 5.5 bundles a version 2.1.0-alpha of this library. This allow to build PHP with the system library (guidelines) instead of the bundled copy.
The only missing function is imageantialias (rarely used and often protected by a condition as already missing in some others linux distribution). Anti-aliasing is under rewrite (planed for 2.2).
The gd-last package can be installed beside gd. Wheras, gd-last-progs and gd-last-devels replace gd-progs and gd-devel. It is a backport of the rawhide version (release too late to be included in Fedora 19).
So, this version will be used by the PHP 5.5 packages in remi-test, as in rawhide.
yum remove gd-progs gd-devel
yum --enablerepo=remi-test install gd-last-progs
Current version (post-RC2) is in the remi-test repository, next stable release will move to remi.
What is the meaning of the name "gd-last". I mean, why "last" ? Do they mean "latest", "previous" or "final" ? The name look weird to me, and I wonder if it is compatible with ...
It just means "last" (last available version).
Not it is not compatible with Fedora Guildelines, it is only designed to be installable beside system one, without breaking the system, without having to rebuild all the dependent packages, and used for PHP stuff (like ImageMagick-last).
Update to 2.1.0 final