php-5.3.16 and php-5.4.6
Par Remi le jeudi 16 août 2012, 22:48 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of PHP 5.3.16 are available for Enterprise Linux in remi repository.
RPM of PHP 5.4.6 are available for Fedora in remi repository and for Enterprise Linux in remi-test repository.
Updates for the official repositories (testing):
Hi Remi,
can you tell when you will update te main repo to php 5.4?
@tuurtnt : soon ;)
You can consider remi-test as the stable repo for php 5.4.
I really think php 5.4 is stable enough, but keep php 5.3 in remi because a lot of users ask for it (ok, php 5.3 is still maintained, but it is not the main goal of remi repo to provides old things, and this create more work for me, so I hope to drop php 5.3 soon).
The only extension I was waiting for is a stable version of APC for php 5.4.
Thanks for your reply. Is it safe to use both remi repo's together?
@tuurtnt : Yes
It is even mandatory to enable both, as remi-test will take some dependencies from remi.
From now, upgrade from php53 packages (on EL5) or from another third party repository (php53u, php54) is supported (a simple yum update).