New theme: "Package Monkey"
Par Remi le vendredi 3 août 2012, 13:16 - General - Lien permanent
I hope you have already notice it, my blog, repository and forum have a new theme !
When I open this web site, very small at that time, I simply retrieve a picture from the web. Not really free and so, not really suitable with my convictions.
So, I decide to change for a new logo and new colors which will better suite me and my liking, by asking some relations.
Bruno Bellamy, comic book designer, who I really appreciate the work, for years, and who accepted this little challenge. A single idea to start, to let him as free as possible : "Package Monkey" nickname (used for the first time by dwmw2, perhaps some will remember...)
I really like the result.
For Dotclear, PunBB and Repoview theme adaptation, one more time, I could rely on my preferred CSS expert Johan Cwiklinski (aka trashy).
I greatly thank them for their work!
P.S. themes sources are available on github.