In the PHP documentation is written:

bool is_a ( object $object , string $class_name )

Until php 5.3.6, if the first parameter was a string, the result wasn't really defined  (we could have expect an error, at call), but it was working, and some applications were relying on this undocumented behavior (very bad idea).

$ php -r '$var="StdClass"; var_dump(is_a($var, "StdClass"));'

To resume : $var, is a string, so, not an object.

Since php 5.3.7, if the first paramet is a string, it is handled as a possible class name (raising autoload if needed).

$ php -r '$var="StdClass"; var_dump(is_a($var, "StdClass"));'

Which is the same behavior than the is_subclass_of function:

bool is_subclass_of ( mixed $object , string $class_name )

This behavior change have caused the community outcry, and a lot of impassioned discussions, notably from the PEAR team which is used to test a process return value using:

if (is_a($var,'PEAR_Error')) ...

Finally, the PHP team have decided to revert this change, and to add a new option to control this behavior.

Starting with next PHP version (5.3.9-dev, for now), the function have a new prototype, which can be described as:

bool is_a ( mixed $object , string $class_name [, bool allow_string ] )

And the result is

$ php -r '$var="StdClass"; var_dump(is_a($var, "StdClass"));'
$ php -r '$var="StdClass"; var_dump(is_a($var, "StdClass", false));'
$ php -r '$var="StdClass"; var_dump(is_a($var, "StdClass", true));'

I have decided to apply this fix, without any delay, in the RPM available in my repository, in version 5.3.8-5 (build running) Perhaps I will also apply it in the version available in fedora repository (see Bug #741022).