Firefox 4.0 Beta 12
Par Remi le mardi 1 mars 2011, 19:42 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of the twelfth Beta of next major version of Mozilla Foundation browser is available in remi repository for Fedora >= 10. Available for 78 locales.
The firefox4-4.0-0.26.beta12 package install this new version besides the version 3.x. So you will have 2 entries in the Internet menu.
Start by reading :
As always :
yum remove firefox4
yum --enablerepo=remi install firefox4
If you prefer to replace the system firefox, you can also install firefox-4.0-0.26.beta12 from remi-test repository.
yum remove firefox firefox4
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test install firefox
This RPM use the Gecko engine provided by xulrunner2 (which could be installed beside the default system xulrunner).
The Add-on compatibility reporter 0.8 allow to enable extension which are not compatible for test.
Some benchmark results:
V8 More is better |
SunSpider Less is better |
Kraken Less is better |
Firefox 3.6.10 | 382 | 1 469.4 ms | 61 796.7 ms |
Firefox 3.6.13 | 394 |
1 435.3 ms | 60 490.3 ms |
Firefox 4.0b7 | 4 010 |
241.7 ms | 5 278.1 ms |
Firefox 4.0b8 | 4 634 |
236.8 ms | 5 221.3 ms |
Firefox 4.0b9 | 5 158 |
218.5 ms | 5 143.7 ms |
Firefox 4.0b10 | 5 099 |
225.8 ms | 4 712.3 ms |
Firefox 4.0b11 | 5 050 |
231.9 ms | 4 734.2 ms |
Firefox 4.0b12 | 5 090 |
237.4 ms | 4 548.8 ms |
Tests run on:
Fedora release 14 (Laughlin)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 760 @ 2.80GHz
Hmm, I have installed beta10 and I don't know if it is working properly because in about dialog (after running firefox4) is still displayed version 3.6.13 . But if I run in terminal command firefox4 -v is shown version 4.0b10 . Do I something wrong?
Yeah, I have solved this "problem". Started firefox4 -ProfileManager and create new profile for FF4, then select it and now is FF4 running for me. Mea culpa.
Archived entry, see Firefox 4.0 Release Candidate 1