PHP and Arch specific Requires/Provides
Par Remi le jeudi 24 février 2011, 19:12 - HowTo - Lien permanent
This entry explain the recent changes in PHP packages available in rawhide (and soon in fedora 15) about Arch specific Provides and Requires.
1. Package dependencies
All sub-packages automatically have 2 provides (for a while).
For example : php-mysql and php-mysql(x86-64)
All virtual provides from php have been fixed to also provides both
For example : php-mysql provides php-mysqli and php-mysqli(x86-64)So a web application or a pear package (which are noarch) will still use
Requires: php-mysql
But a C extension could use
Requires: php-mysql%{?_isa}
Of course all dependencies between sub-packages of php, already use Arch requires :
For example : php-mysql requires php-common(x86-64)
2. ABI compatibility check
The old provides are still present
php(api) = 20090626
php(zend-abi) = 20090626
php-pdo-abi = 20080721
But new Arch specific provides are available and used by default when a package is build
php(api) = 20090626-x86-64
php(zend-abi) = 20090626-x86-64
php-pdo-abi = 20080721-x86-64
So, there is no need to change the PHP Guidelines, packages which use
Requires: php(zend-abi) = %{php_zend_api}
Requires: php(api) = %{php_core_api}
will works with old provides (so there is no need to rebuild any package now).
When a package is rebuilt, it will use the new Arch specific ones.
The old provides will be removed when a new ABI will hit rawhide (php 5.4.0 ?), so when a rebuild will be mandatory.
Note : in the same way, php requires httpd-mmn = 20051115-x86-64 which is provided by httpd
3. Target version
This changes are only planned for fedora >= 15 (php-5.3.5-3)
So, if you need to add a %{_isa} to your package, this must be fedora >= 15 only. But in all cases, you will have to maintain 2 versions of your spec, or a conditional requires, because of EPEL (and git is your friend).
This have been discussed on the fedora-php-devel mailing list.
Comments are welcome.
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