PHP 5.3.6 in preparation
Par Remi le jeudi 17 février 2011, 19:56 - Archives - Lien permanent
PHP 5.3.6RC1 is announced. RPM are available in remi-test repository for fedora 13, 14, and EL 5.
Note to fedora packagers : in this RPM, dependencies are Architecture specific (this work will be pushed to rawhide).
To install and test this new version, which should fixes quite a lot of bugs :
yum --enablerepo=remi,remi-test update phpI'm waiting for your feedback, on the forum.
This version is already used on my dedicated hosting server.
You can also read / follow the discussion on php-devel ML.
Update to 5.3.6RC2.
Archived entry, see php-5.3.6