PHP 5.3.3 in preparation
Par Remi le samedi 3 juillet 2010, 09:41 - Archives - Lien permanent
PHP 5.3.3RC2 is announced. RPM are available in remi-test repository for fedora 12, 13 and EL 5.
RPM are rebuild regularly against latest SVN snapshots.
Current version : 5.3.3-0.1.201007040430 (5.3.3RC3-dev)
To install and test this new version, which should fixes quite a lot of bugs :
yum --enablerepo=remi-test update php
Cette nouvelle version fournit le nouveau paquet php-fpm.
See :
I'm waiting for your feedback, particularly for FPM, on the forum.
This version is already used on my dedicated hosting server.
Hello Remi,
Thank you for the great work.
I was wondering if the src rpm (or at least the spec file) is also available for 5.3.3. I am specifically interested in enabling fpm (adding --enable-fpm to the configure section the spec file). This feature was introduced as of 5.3.3 only.
Best Regards,
- Kefah.
@Kefah Issa : same question on the forum.
See my SRPM and latest SPEC
Update to php-5.3.3-0.1.201007040430 with the new php-fpm sub -package
I can't find the SRPM for PHP 5.3.3RC2 in the repo. The one for PHP 5.3.2 is there but not the one for PHP 5.3.3RC2.
@omega13a see SPEC link in previous comment (to github)
I tried to build the SRPM using the stuff on github and I got this error:
make devsrpm
rpmbuild --define "_sourcedir /home/omega13a/remicollet-remirepo-b7834e8/php" --define "_specdir /home/omega13a/remicollet-remirepo-b7834e8/php" --define "_srcrpmdir /home/omega13a/remicollet-remirepo-b7834e8/php" --define "_rpmdir /home/omega13a/remicollet-remirepo-b7834e8/php" --define "dist .remi" --define "_source_filedigest_algorithm 1" --define "_binary_filedigest_algorithm 1" -bs php-dev.spec
error: /home/omega13a/remicollet-remirepo-b7834e8/php/php-dev.spec:32: parseExpressionBoolean returns -1
error: Name field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Version field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Release field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Summary field must be present in package: (main package)
error: Group field must be present in package: (main package)
error: License field must be present in package: (main package)
make: *** [devsrpm] Error 1
I don't know what went wrong because those fields are in the spec file... If it helps I'm on CentOS 5.5
@omega13a : merci d'utiliser les forums plus adaptés que les commentaires.
@omega13a : please, use the forums which is a better place for help than comments.
Visiblement ton environnement de construction n'est pas correctement configuré. Si tu ne maitrise pas les mécanismes de construction de RPM, pourquoi ne pas simplement utiliser les RPM binaires puisqu'ils sont disponibles ?
Seems your build environment is not correctly configured. If you don't have the skill to build RPM, why don't you "simply" use the binaries RPM, as they are available ?
Update to php-5.3.3-0.1.201007110630 with some improvements to the php-fpm default configuration.
Update to php-5.3.3-0.1.201007190630 (version 5.3.3RC4-dev)
Archived entry, see PHP-5.3.3 Released!