RHEL 6 will provide PHP 5.3
Par Remi le lundi 3 mai 2010, 20:03 - General - Lien permanent
As RHEL 6 beta is available, I start looking for LAMP packages provided.
In the standard repository : php (5.3.1), php-cli, php-common, php-gd, php-ldap, php-mcrypt, php-mysql, php-odbc, php-pdo, php-pgsql, php-soap, php-xml, php-xmlrpc, php-pear (1.9.0), php-pecl-apc (3.1.3p1), php-pecl-memcache (3.0.4).
In the "optional" repository : php-bcmath, php-dba, php-devel, php-embedded, php-enchant, php-intl, php-mbstring, php-process, php-pspell, php-recode, php-snmp, php-tidy, php-zts
Of course, extensions (available in fedora) which depends on packages from EPEL are dropped : php-interbase (and pdo_firebird) and php-mssql (and pdo_dblib).
We will notice the missing sqlite3 extension; but the most surprising is the php-imap package suppression (should be back soon see comment).
So, the php-extras package will remain (very) usefull.
I really appreciate that the packages Changelog keep the track of the fedora contributors.
Followup: ML fedora php-devel
RHEL6 beta2 is available.
PHP is updated to 5.3.2-3 and imap extension is back.
The patch which fixes some crashes (gallery) issues is not applied.
I hope they will update to next 5.3.3 which (I think) fixes a lot of stability issues.