PHP 5.3.0 RC3
Par Remi le vendredi 12 juin 2009, 20:07 - Archives - Lien permanent
RPM of third Release Candidate of php 5.3.0 are available for Fedora 9, 10, 11 and EL 5 in the remi-test repository. It's time to start seriously the tests.
Read the PHP 5.2.10RC2 and PHP 5.3.0RC3 Release Announcements
Use YUM to install :
yum --enable remi-test update php-\*
Important notes :
Extensions in the Fedora or Remi repositories couldn't work with this version. So you need to use the ones in the remi-test repository.
The mysql and mysqli extensions has be build against MySQL 5.1.35.
The OCI8 extension has be buld against Oracle client version 11.
The ncurses extension (php-ncurses) is no more part of PHP, so it become a pecl extension (php-pecl-ncurses).
The phar extension is now part of PHP,. php-common package provides the extension and php-cli provides the phar command. So, the php-pecl-phar package is obsoleted.
The Fileinfo extension is now part of PHP, the php-common provides this extension. The php-pecl-Fileinfo package is obsoleted.
The new SQLite3 extension is provided by php-pdo package (like the other sqlite extensions).
The new intl (Internationalization Functions) extension is provided by the new php-intl package.
The dbase extension is no more provided (sorry).
The mhash extension is no more provided. See the alternative extension HASH Message Digest Framework.
The Posix, Semaphore, Shared Memory and IPC extension are now provided by the php-process package (like in rawhide)
The new GNU Recode extension is provided by the new php-recode package (like in rawhide)
The new Enchant spelling library extension is provided by the new php-enchant package.
The Firebird/Interbase extension is provided by the new php-interbase pakage (whith the PDO Driver) : Fedora 11 only
Developers will read carrefully the PHP 5.3 upgrading notes scratchpad and the documentation (update in progress).
Available extensions in the remi-test repository:- php-pecl-apc-3.1.2-1.fc#.remi.2
- php-pecl-imagick-2.2.2-2.fc#.remi
- php-pecl-mailparse-2.1.5-1.fc#.remi
- php-pecl-memcache-3.0.4-1.fc#.remi.1
- php-pecl-memcached-0.1.5-1.fc#.remi.1
- php-pecl-ncurses-1.0.0-3.fc#.remi :
with a patch for Bug PECL #14369 - php-pecl-pdflib-2.1.7-1.fc#.remi (from rpmfusion nonfree)
- php-pecl-ssh2-0.11.0-2.fc#.remi
- php-pecl-xdebug-2.0.4-1.fc#.remi
Warning : a new php.ini with some significant changes :
- short_open_tag = off
- variables_order = "GPCS" (no more E as Environment)
- request_order = "GP"
- error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED (the new level is not activated for production, tips : set to E_ALL | E_STRICT for development)
- enable_dl = Off
Don't forget to update to php-pear-1.8.x which is required by this PHP version.
Feedbacks are welcome. Stay up with this entry, I will post new comments about my progress on this new version.
Archived entry, see PHP 5.3.0 RC4