createrepo on F11
Par Remi le dimanche 3 mai 2009, 10:51 - General - Lien permanent
I've just discover a very annoying bug with createrepo-0.9.7-6.fc11. The command generate checksum in sha256 by default. Of course, this is more secure than sha1 used before. However, with old Fedora versions, and Enterprise Linux, this checksum is not handled and generated metadata become unusable (and so the repository).
The command have a new --checksum option allowing to choose the checksum type to use, unfortunately, if this option is honoured for the repomd.xml file, it is not for the other files (p.e. primary.xml.gz).
This bug explain why, since yesterday, the remi repositories for Fedora <= 9 where broken (it's fixed)
See : Bug #498767My poor python skill doesn't allow me to fix this....
So, I'm temporarily back on Fedora 10...
Well, as I hate to haven't find any solution, I took some time to search deeply and finally, I have a patch proposal which seems to fix this issue.
The same bug was filed and fixed here.
it'll get built in rawhide/f11 update eventually, but it wasn't critical enough to break the freeze for.