PEAR 1.6.1 in Rawhide
Par Remi le jeudi 19 juillet 2007, 20:57 - General - Lien permanent
The lastest version of PEAR is available in Fedora Rawhide. I'm now a co-maintener of this package. One more evidence, if needed, than the merge of Core and Extras make Fedora really Open.
In previous release, RPM was built using the upstream provided install-pear-nozlib.phar (an installer archive, like .jar are).
With this new release, only upstream tarballs are used. No need to wait when new versions are available. The specfile has been totally modified to handle this.
Next : some Changes to the PHP Guidelines need to be submit and approved by the Fedora Packaging Committee.
Bugs to close :
- #197940 : PEAR Requires cpp and glibc-headers
- #222557 : pear uninstall --register-only remove file : it should not
- #243007 : 1.5.4 updates needed
- #246588 : php-pear 1.6.x update
Bugs to manage :
- PEAR #11420 : warning on pecl (un)install with --register-only option
- PEAR #11517 : error : download directory is not writeable