A lot of pending Review requests
Par Remi le dimanche 11 mars 2007, 19:32 - RPM - Lien permanent
Un grand nombre de nouveaux RPM attendent dans la file d'attente des vérifications pour être intégrés dans le dépôt de notre distribution. Voici un petit point sur mes travaux du week-end.
A great number of RPM are waiting for a review before being available in the repository for our distribution. Here is the situation of my week-end work.
I have worked on some reviews :
- php-pear-PHPUnit: Regression testing framework for unit tests: approved.
- php-pear-Image-Graph: Displays numerical data as a graph/chart/plot: approved. That's seems to be a very useful extension for PHP developers who need to generate charts.
- php-pecl-radius: Radius client library: waiting for minor bug fixes. I really enjoyed doing this review as I need to install a FreeRADIUS server to test it. I learned a lot.
- php-pear-Crypt-CHAP: Class to generate CHAP packets: approved
I'm waiting for one of my RPM to be reviewed for the Extras :
- mysql++: C++ wrapper for the MySQL C API. This is available for a long time on my repository. I hope it can be added to Extras soon. I am trying to work upstream to add a soname to this library. Waiting for an answer, read the plusplus Mailing List (subjet : RPM packaging and library versioning).
I'm also waiting for one of my RPM to be reviewed for Livna :
- php-nonfree: Additional PHP modules from the standard PHP distribution. Mainly for php-mssql (Microsoft SQL Server extension for PHP).
I have also some others projets i would like to add to the official repository :
- Enigmail extension for thunderbird. Follow the link and read the comments.
- nspluginwrapper extension for x86_64 web browser (Firefox/Seamonkey) which allows i386 plugins (Flash, Acrobat Reader, ...) to be used.
As you can see, some work is done but a lot more need to be accomplished...
php-pecl-radius is now approved.