Official web site :

Read: phpMyAdmin 4.7.0 Release Notes

I think this new version will be soon in Fedora, but version 4.0.x will stay in EPEL-6 (dependency on MySQL 5.5) and version 4.4.x in EPEL-7 (dependency on PHP 5.5). So, it is already available for fedora 23 to 26 and for enterprise linux 5 to 7 in the remi repository.

Some dependencies are not yet approved for Fedora, waiting for review:

  • 1415686: php-phpmyadmin-sql-parser - A validating SQL lexer and parser with a focus on MySQL dialect
  • 1415394: php-google-recaptcha - reCAPTCHA PHP client library - January 2017

As always, for Fedora :

yum --enablerepo=remi install phpMyAdmin

Or, for Enterprise Linux

yum --enablerepo=remi install phpMyAdmin

Discover this new version which come with a lot of new features, and post your feedback.