
# yum remove php
# yum install php-fpm httpd


# systemctl start php-fpm.service
# systemctl start httpd.service


# echo '<?php phpinfo()' >/var/www/html/info.php

URL: http://localhost/info.php

You should see the message :  Server API: FPM/FastCGI


The default provided configuration now work in Fedora 21.

You can use the same in Fedora 19 and 20, applying some change to your PHP configuration file  /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf

Disable the php_* directives, when mod_php is not loaded:

# mod_php options
<IfModule  mod_php5.c>
    php_value session.save_handler "files"
    php_value session.save_path    "/var/lib/php/session"
    php_value soap.wsdl_cache_dir  "/var/lib/php/wsdlcache"

Enable redirect the execution of php scripts to php-fpm service:

# Redirect to local php-fpm if mod_php is not available
<IfModule !mod_php5.c>
    <FilesMatch \.php$>
        SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"

Apache httpd server optimisation

Time to leave the prefork MPM in /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d/00-mpm.conf

LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/

For packagers

php-fpm only pull httpd-filesystem, for user creation and configuration directory ownership and can still be used without httpd, for example with  nginx. Despite I still think than Apache httpd server still the best server to package web applications, mostly as it allows to drop a configuration file, per application, with global alias.

I encourage you to test your applications with this configuration, especially to ensure than all php_* directives are properly conditionalized..

Next step will be to drop the dependency on mod_php and give back the choice to our users.


This feature finally drop the difficulty to use PHP-FPM and other Apache MPM. A pity that it is not available in httpd version provided by RHEL/CentOS-7 or by RHSCL 1.1.