Read the Releases Page for changes history, or Changes in MySQL Workbench 5.2.34.

RPM are available in my repository for fedora ≥ 12. Previous Fedora versions don't have needed dependencies, such as boost ≥ 1.37.0 or gtkmm >= 2.18

As always :

yum --enablerepo=remi install mysql-workbench

Of course, it was build with mysql-5.5.12.

This version (build with standard MySQL) will be soon available in official updates for:

This build doesn't use the system mysql-connector-c++, because the bundled version includes not published changes.

This new version provides and uses a new sub-package : mysql-utilities (build from the bundled library sources) which contains some interesting commands. It requires the new mysql-connector-python package which is proposed for review (Bug #683552).

So, I will wait for this new package approval to push the update to the official repository.

To be followed on MySQL Workbench 5.2.34 GA Available