Dotclear 2.8
Par Remi le jeudi 13 août 2015, 17:21 - General - Lien permanent
Done ! The latest version of Dotclear is installed.
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Par Remi le jeudi 13 août 2015, 17:21 - General - Lien permanent
Done ! The latest version of Dotclear is installed.
I was too quick to post, big issue: no way to add link in blog entry or comment. Really a blocker.
Workaround: downgrade the dcCKEditor plugin to version provided with dotclear 2.7.5
Bug fixed, thanks to Nicolas, after the new domain name a few weeks ago, I forgot to change the DC_ADMIN_URL configuration value, and ckeditor 4.5 seems more strict.
Updated to 2.8.1
Updated to 2.8.2